Tuesday, March 4, 2008

NLR City Council Agenda - Monday, March 10

Reminder….the front door of City Hall is unlocked at 6:30 p.m. for the meeting which starts promptly at 7:00 p.m. So if you get here early, visit one of our local restaurants or businesses before coming to the meeting!

1. Becky Taylor, Mayor’s Office letter from Megan Cole, Director of Development, Habitat for Humanity of Pulaski County, to Mayor Hays re: thank you for North Little Rock High School and Jim Billings assistance on video project.
2. Fritz Friedl, Director of Volunteer Services Volunteer Totals for 2007.
3. Becky Taylor, Mayor’s Office letter from Daniel A. Bartlett, Architect AIA, NCARB, ICC, Bartlett Architecture, Inc. to Mayor Hays and City Council members re: 114 kV T-Line Relocation.
4. Braye Cloud, Mayor’s Office of Youth Services Director letter to City Council re: North Little Rock Office of Youth Services has been named one of 74 programs on At-Risk Youth and High School Dropout Prevention by the US Conference of Mayors Research and Education Foundation.

Special Guests
Former Mayor Burch Johnson (Maumelle) and City Government Class from Academics Plus Charter School in Maumelle.

Daryl Peeples and Michael Drake, Main Street Argenta Director - Recognition of Main Street Argenta Directors Eric Isaac, Wayne Hogan and John Crow.
Video Presentation - Katelyn Abel, North Little Rock, participant and winner (for her age group) during the 1st Arkansas Film Competition - Dog Town

7:05 p.m. re: R-08-22, authorizing a relocation agreement and right-of-way conveyance from the City of NLR to Entergy, AR, Inc. (Smarthouse Way)

R-08-21 Mayor Hays
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Performance Contracting Agreement between the City of NLR and Siemen’s Building Technologies, Inc.
R-08-22 Mayor Hays
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Relocation Agreement and Right-of-way Conveyance from the City of NLR to Entergy AR, Inc. (Smarthouse Way)
Held - Public Hearing @ 7:05 p.m. this date

O-08-09 Mayor Hays
Adopting the “Arkansas Mechanical Code, 2003 Edition” (copies can be viewed in the City Clerk’s Office)
Read 2 times and held
O-08-14 Mayor Hays
Authorizing a Lease Purchase Agreement for the purpose of financing a Performance-Based Efficiency Project; pledging the guaranteed Efficiency Savings as Payment Security (Bank of America)
Read 2 times and held



R-08-24 Mayor Hays, Aldermen Bryant, Ross, Robinson, Thomas, Gaines, Parker, Hight and Witcher
Declaring March 16-23-2008 as NCAA Tournament Week for the City of NLR
R-08-25 Mayor Hays
Certifying Local Government Endorsement of Orbea USA, LLC to participate in the Tax Back Program as authorized by Ark Code Ann § 15-4-2706(d) of the Consolidated Incentive Act of 2003
R-08-26 Mayor Hays
Authorizing the transfer of William F. Laman Public Library real property located at 28th and Orange Streets, to the Public Building Authority of the City of NLR; apprvoing an authorizing the execution of a Lease Agreement between the City and the Public Building Authority

O-08-23 Mayor Hays

Amending Section 2-632 of the NLRMC to add Honorary Position to the Senior Citizens Commission
O-08-24 Mayor Hays
Amending Section 2.2 of Ordinance No. 7697 (the Zoning Ordinance) regarding the regulation of “Bed-and-Breakfast” Lodging
O-08-25 Alderman Witcher
Amending Section 90-45 of the NLRMC to regulate Pick-Up Time for Commercial Dumpsters in or near residential areas in the City of NLR (not before 6:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m.)
O-08-26 Aldermen Gaines and Parker
Granting a Conditional Use to allow an Outdoor Display and Sales of Motorcycles and ATV’s in a C-4 zone for property located at 4008 MacArthur (applicant: Tom Murry)

Please complete a public comment card and return to City Clerk before speaking

Respectfully submitted, Diane Whitbey, CMC / CAMC, City Clerk and Collector

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