Saturday, March 22, 2008

E-mail address request

Our March NLAN Newsletter will contain a request for additional e-mail addresses to aid us in improving our communication levels within NLAN, both via direct e-mail communication and through our BLOG. We will be providing directions to assist our neighbors to submit their e-mail addresses. We hope that all our neighbors with e-mail addresses will come forth with them, and it will be interesting to see just how many of the 178 un-known property owners will add their addresses to our electronic communication links!
This is our first step towards improved communications within NLAN! It is our intentions to also develop a "Street Captain Program" that will allow us to implement a phone tree system to augment our ability in making sure every NLAN property owner immediately gets the word! Between phone and electronic communications we hope to have blanket coverage!
Nate Brandes, President - NLAN


Northeast Lakewood Associated Neighborhoods said...

If any reading the blog would like to submit their e-mail addresses, please send them to me -- The Blog Guy -- along with you name, address and phone number. These will be used only for our association and will not be sold or placed on the web.

e-mail to

thanks -- Bob, your blog host

Anonymous said...

Bob, thanks for your offer to be an e-mail address collector.

Speaking for myself I know of immediate fellow neighbors whom have not attended a NLAN Meeting as of yet, and thus have not had the opportunity to submit their e-mail address. Upon their receipt of our March Newsletter I intend to knock on their door and ask them to participate if they indeed have an e-mail address. I believe once everyone knows by name & address who has posted their e-mail addresses with NLAN we can all move forward and knock on doors come April. Look for this listing in the forthcoming March Newsletter.