Friday, March 21, 2008

Crime: It’s not something that just happens ‘over there’

A resident of the Indian Hills neighborhood for 15 years said he walked a few of the blocks in and around his street to knock on 60 to 65 doors because a close neighbor experienced an attempted break-in. Let's do the same in our neighborhood. Keep you neighbors informed and let the blog know as well. TOGETHER we can fight crime!


Anonymous said...

Information for the post came from this past Thursday's edition of the NLR Times and contains many excellent points that pertain to all our neighborhoods facing an increase in crime rates. Indian Hills has had one neighborhood crime watch meeting, and part of the plan for the neighbors who want to take things to the next level will be a sharing of phone numbers and e-mail addresses to form a communication chain. If something happens the neighbors can share news immediately rather than wait for a newspaper or TV report that some may not see!

We of NLAN had realized the very same advantage would exist for our neighborhoods if we could increase the number of e-mail addresses from the current known 53 and develop a phone tree utilizing a "street captain" network, too! Thus for our March NLAN Newsletter we had planned on requesting e-mail addresses from neighbors that have them available. This request will provide the means to utilize both an instant e-mail alert, to be quickily followed up with a post on our blog! When our newsletter hits your mailbox by the end of this month it will contain directions to allow you to enter your e-mail address for NLAN business-only purposes. We will use the "blind-copy function" whenever we send out e-mail alerts to maintain the privacy of your address! Please consider providing your e-mail address for your personal benefit as well as all your neighbors in NLAN. Thank you!

Levy Goddess said...

This is a wonderful idea! The more people are informed the better it will be all concerned. In today's time with technology at our fingertips, we must take advantage of it! Nate we are in the process of doing some emergency planning also. We would like for your group to be involved if you would like.

Northeast Lakewood Associated Neighborhoods said...

Dear Goddess, so you're doing some emergency planning - super! We would always rather be pro-active than just re-active, and trying to follow the ol' Scout Motto of "Being Prepared" is a grand idea! Please advise us as we would love to become involved with LIM in addressing our mutual concerns on neighborhood safety issues! Nate