Thursday, February 21, 2008

The NLR Times Is Having a Sale

There will be a yard sale at the former office of The Times, at 26th and Willow Streets, from 8 a.m. to noon this Saturday. The bulk of the items available will be office equipment: Desks, file cabinets, assorted office accouterments. If you have a big truck and lots of strong friends, we are also selling the safe that's in the building. Feel free to drop by!


Anonymous said...

We want to say "Welcome" to Dennis Byrd and Eric Francis of the North Little Rock Times as they move into our neighboring area at 5301 McClanahan Drive, Suite D-7. We look forward to your contining efforts in bringing home the news in the same excellent fashion you have always done, and now we are very pleased it will be generating from our very own backyard! Now and as always, if there is anything we of the NLAN can do to make you feel more welcomed as our fellow neighbors please let us know. Again, "Welcome!"

Anonymous said...

Did anyone watch the top story on THV tonight? It was about the resignations within the police department. ( Said there are going to be 10 more officers resigning over the next couple of months. If that happens that would be 15 in 4 months. Story reported that there were only 11 in all of 2007. 26 in a year and a half. That's some major turnover. Said there were now 173 officers. Could be 163 pretty soon. Those guys are going to be working a lot of overtime or some neighborhood is going to be going without much police presence. How long do these guys and gals have to suffer before someone in the city says thats enough. One other thing to think about. Since most of these officers have 10 or more years experience that means these are the same officers who went toe to toe with the first gangbangers in the city. These are the same officers who won that battle. Same officers that got shot at and had death threats made against them by gang leaders. These are the same men and women who drew a line in the sand of this city and told those gang leaders it ends here.