Friday, February 8, 2008

Keep Our Cops!

You may recall that back on January 23rd we alerted you to the proposed 2008 Quota Ordinance, sponsored by Mayor Hays to reduce the North Little Rock Police Department's authorized budgeted manpower levels from 203 down to 192. This Ordinance was initially scheduled for the City Council Meeting of January 28th. Thereafter Ward 3 Alderman Cary Gaines reported that the Ordinance was being delayed and would probably be on the February 11th City Council's Agenda. In reviewing the published agenda for this meeting we find that the Ordinance is not listed. And our good friends at the Levy Blog state the same findings and believe the Ordinance is not ready to be presented for Council business at this time! We'll try to keep you posted on this most important City Council business action step whenever it appears that Mayor Hays has placed it on the agenda.

Nate Brandes
President - NLAN

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One might this the same Mayor who approved the additional oficers several years ago? Why the need back then but not now? Why is our police department getting smaller when all the others are getting bigger? Do we not need mor officers to cover the new annexes?