Friday, December 28, 2007

No Rise in Electricity Cost

City Budget
Residents’ electric bills will not rise any higher according to North Little Rock’s new 2008 budget. The city must look at borrowing up to $15 million to meet its own higher cost for purchasing electricity.
A $49.9 million general fund budget was approved at Thursday night's city council meeting by a 7-1 vote. The new budget is only 2.7 percent higher than the 2007 budget.

For more information, see December 28's Arkansas Democrat Gazette


Anonymous said...

I'mm sure you have heard about a "black hole" existing in outer space; an area of total blackness that we can only wonder what makes them up! And they seem to (pardon the word) "suck" all existinng matter close by into them. Sounds somewhat like our NLR Budget - we don't exactly know what makes it up but we can see it sucking our tax dollars into it, to be lost forever!

The Editorial in this week's "The NLR Times Newspaper" attempted to shed some light on our city's black hole of a budget. Very interesting reading! If you don't subscribe to the "Times" then I would strongly suggest you find two quarters and stop by their white-colored boxes (for example between Kroger & Super Cuts on the curb or behind the Phillips 66 Gas Station Store on North Hills Blvd.) and read the editorial. Why they even make reference to our very young and still forming NLAN Blog Site. Their words provide a sense of direction we may choose to take regarding improving communications with our Ward 4 Aldermen. In time we may be able to better understand our NLR Budget and actually have input, too! May this be so!

Anonymous said...

I guess I missed the editorial page in the Times. Alas, it went into the recycling truck this morning. I would have liked to have read more about what was written about our blog.

Anonymous said...

Dear "Host", don't despair on recycling the editorial last Friday! Our kind folks over on the Levi Blog Site have posted the editorial for all to see. Since we have listed that blog on our's as a link it's very easy to travel over and read "tatersaladnlr's" post. As usual Levi is on top of their ballgame when it comes to keeping all NLR Citizens informed!

The total editorial needs to be read! As it pertains to us, the gist of the Time's Editorial was a challenge to all NLR neighborhood associations, crime watches and groups of friends to become involved in the process, and then to come forward with our priorities and suggestions for the City Budget!

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I hope to really get into the "blog" of things. Since we are in our infancy, I hope all our neighbors will help us out with articles, suggestions, opinions, etc. Don't be shy -- there are no bad ideas, just unspoken ones. E-mail me at