Saturday, January 5, 2008

Pre-meeting plans -- We need your help!

When you stop to collect your breath after a very busy Holiday you find yourself already into the Month of January with only 10 days before our next "stuffing party" on the 15th. We've got a lot of work to do!

In checking with Lynda Etheridge and Faye Kirkwood none of us three have received any communications from our neighbors regarding by-law revisions, association officer elections or nominating committee service. Below is a possible NLAN activity purpose outline for your consideration. Please review and let either Jo Melton or me know your thoughts.

1) By-Laws Committee: Existing Committee to determine final edition for presentation and voter approval.
Copies need to be made for distribution.
2) Nomination Committee: Needs to be formed to develop a slate of officers for voter approval.
Slate needs to be drawn up and copies made.
3) Newsletter: Need to work up articles outline for content.
Copies need to be made.
4) Meeting Agenda: Jo has suggested Robert Voyles as key speaker - has he been invited/accepted?
Main items are By-Laws approval and election of officers. Copies to be made.

5) Meeting Questionnaire: Do they need to be up-dated? If not do we have enough copies?
6) Pick-Up: Envelopes and labels from NLR Neighborhood Services.
7) Stuffing Party: Last day to have it is January 15h to allow NLR Neighborhood Services to receive the envelopes by Wednesday Jan. 16th for delivery on Thursday the 17th.
8) Meeting Set-Up: Contact Ken Sullivan of LPOA for room set-up details.
9) Signs: Put up NLAN Signs early Monday morning to catch "going-to-work" crowd.

As you can see we've got a lot to do over the next 10 days: Meetings to be held! Documents to be created! Slate to be developed. Copies to be made and stuffing to be done!

Jo and I will review and come up with an activity schedule to complete the above. Needless to say we need to begin that schedule, now! And most important - whenever you can support the effort you need to step up and consider doing so! When we call - please pitch in!

As we move forward over the next 10 days we will try to keep you posted as to our mutual progress. Thanking you in advance for your consideration of the above.



Anonymous said...

We were out walking our dogs last night (Monday Jan 7th) in the vicinity of Dawson & Burrow and heard three rapid fire gunshots @ 9:20pm. Sounded like they were coming from somewhere to the South of us, perhaps near the Assembly of God church or McCain Park Dr.

Levy Goddess said...

This is wonderful!!! If you would permit me to come and observe I would love to...yall are doing great!!!

Levy Goddess

Anonymous said...

Dear Levy Goddess, indeed you are most welcomed to come and join us! It would be our pleasure to meet you in person since we have had the grand experience of getting to know you only from your Levi Blog postings. Please do so, and thanks for your interest!

Anonymous said...

Yes, of course, we welcome you with open arms to our next neighborhood association meeting January 21st at 7:00 PM at LPOA Activity Center. Guidance from Levy Project Improvement Movement helped us get our feet on the ground, and we are grateful! Better communication with individuals in other associations throughout the city is one of our goals. Jo Melton

Levy Goddess said...

We would love for us all to work is an election year and we will need to help each other.