Wednesday, November 19, 2008

There Be Leaves

They have just started to come and many more are on the way! Soon they will taking us over! No we are not talking about 'the body-snatcher pods' of Sic-Fi movie lore but simply our own beautiful leaves. Yes we will all be blowing and raking our 'summer shade' into plastic bags or to the curb for the ole' city vacuum snorkel crew. If you choose to bag your leaves they will be picked up weekly by the NLR yard debris crews scheduled for either Mondays or Tuesdays for NLAN.

If you are looking forward to the city's snout to pick up your leaves then timing is ultra important! No sense in bringing them early to the curb and then have the wind re-distribute them up and down the street to other properties. And if while waiting to be picked up they fall into the street gutter and block drainage then we have more problems! So call the Public Works Hot Line at 371-8355 and hit #3 on the phone menu for the current NLR leaf pick-up street area schedule. Please make sure your leaves are laying within six feet of the curb but out of the gutter, too!. Coordinating your leaves curb deposits with the scheduled vacuum crew for our area works out best for everyone. Thank you for your consideration and work efforts to do so!

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