Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Candidate Forum Broadcast

The NLR Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum was held Tuesday October 21st. It was reported that the forum would be recorded for broadcast on Comcast cable. Actually it was taped-delayed by NLRTV and will be seen on NLR Comcast Cable's Channel 4. This morning I talked with NLRTV and they reported they had received over 123 phone calls since last evening wanting to know when it would be shown, and that they were trying to edit the tape as quickly as they could. They stated that the first broadcast will be on Thursday October 23rd at 6, 8 and 10:00 pm Subsequent program broadcasts should be carried daily and we will have to check the community bulletin board postings on Channel 4 for their times. I trust this information is correct for you don't want to miss this one! Stay tuned!

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