Monday, May 26, 2008

City Council Meeting will be held Tuesday evening

For reason of the Memorial Day Holiday the regular scheduled City Council Meeting will be held this Tuesday evening at 7:00 PM in City Hall. If you can not make the meeting in person it is available on Comcast Channel 4. Hopefully we'll have sound as well as video this time around! Two items of business should prove to be most interesting this evening:

Resolution R-08-75: Relocation Agreement and Right of Way Conveyance from NLR to Entergy. This concerns moving major electrical poles from south of Riverfront Park to the north side to satisfy a future developer's purchase offer, and was opposed by an established north side business owner, Bubba Lloyd. The public hearing on this resolution will continue tonight, and it should be very interesting to see what takes place when Mr. Lloyd once again takes the public's speaker podium.

Ordinance O-08-40 Job Classifications and Numbers of Employees for Each NLR City Department. The established full-time employee numbers for the fire department is 151, while the police department's full-time employee number is 238. Currently the actual staffing level for our police is below the 238 level and continues to be a concern of NLR citizens. And the Fire Department has stated they need more employees over the 151 number, too! Mayor Hays has taken a position that the current actual staffing numbers are in order and no additional headcount will be funded for either city department. Will these concerns be brought up at tonight's council meeting in approving these established staffing quotas? Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Northeast Lakewood Associated Neighborhoods said...

got to

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