NLAN Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009
Regular Meeting 7-8 p.m.
Crestwood Elementary School Cafeteria
The following are draft minutes and must be approved at our August 3 meeting before they can be considered final. If you have any questions or comments, please send email to
1. Welcome: (Charlie Knott)
The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. The agenda was previewed.
2. Approval of Minutes of March 16, 2009 Meeting (Judy McDowall)
Minutes of the March 16, 2009 meeting were approved (motion by Presley Melton, second by Lynda Etheridge). Charlie Knott asked if anyone would object if the draft minutes were posted on the website. No objection was raised..
3. Treasurer's Report (Wanda Smith)
The bank balance is $232.72. There were no receipts or expenditures since the last meeting. The treasurer's report was accepted (motion by Faye Kirkwood, second by Buzz Smith).
4. Neighborhood Crime Report (NLR Police Officer Brandon Davidson)
Officer Davidson reviewed the highlights of the written crime statistics summary for February and March 2009 and responded to residents’ questions.
5. Transition of Officers (Charlie Knott)
Charlie Knott summarized some of the activities of the officers that related to assumption of responsibility. Specifically, the bank account signature authority has been changed; the first officer’s meeting took place; the first newsletter was produced and distributed. The President attended two city council meetings and the Vice President, Kevin Nichols, attended one city council meeting.
6. Bylaws – Adoption and Proposed Change to Article V, Nominations and Election of Officers of the Association (Charlie Knott)
Officer's recommend continuing with existing bylaws (motion Lynda, Presley, second) Passed.
Charlie Knott proposed a change to Article V of the bylaws on “NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION”. The purpose of the change was to have the election earlier and to allow transition time for the new officers before assuming responsibility. There was a recommendation from the floor that the officers assume responsibility at the beginning of the new calendar year rather than at the first meeting of the new year, as proposed. Move to accept with the changes. Robert Lumpp, motion. Bruce Dantzler, second. Article V, as approved, is attached.
7. Electronic Changeable Copy Signs
This is a controversial issue. As of the April 27 City Council meeting a moratorium on issuance of permits for changeable copy signs is in effect through the end of August 2009. Our aldermen, Murry Witcher and Charlie Hight, explained their positions on changeable copy signs. Murry expressed the opinion that electronic changeable copy signs need to be managed to protect residential areas and to prevent a hazard to driving. Charlie said he is against reducing the frequency of change to 5 seconds and favors legislating brightness. He expressed the opinion that there is a right place and a wrong place for location of electronic changeable copy signs. He indicated that he finds such signs useful and attractive.
One questioner asked Charlie his position on electronic changeable copy signs for churches in residential areas. Charlie said that he does not believe that electronic changeable copy signs should be in residential areas. Both of our alderman said that they did not want to see electronic changeable copy signs in neighborhoods.
Other questions / comments (and responses if any) included the following:
• when a draft sign ordinance would be available (on or before end of July - intent is to give public opportunity to provide feedback),
• how a neighborhood can have the protection that Argenta has (Argenta is a historic district),
• whether changeable copy referred to words or pictures,
• whether motion had been taken into consideration,
• whether the possibility that audio capability could be added had been considered, and
• whether there would be limitations on height and width (there is interest in changing billboards to electronic changeable copy signs).
Charlie Knott asked if those present would be in favor of electronic changeable copy signs if limited to commercial areas. There was no consensus on this. However, there was consensus against these signs in a residential neighborhood. The sign ordinance is on the city website.
8. Parking Districts and Parking Regulations
Lakewood Recreational Improvement District (LRID) has said it intends to apply for approval as a parking district. If / when approval occurs the parking rules adopted by the LRID will apply to our neighborhood. LRID has not yet submitted their application. Charlie Knott read the proposed rules. The intent of the regulations is: (1) no parking of vehicles in front or side yards off of a paved surface, (2) no commercial or large RV parking on any front or side yard or in the street. Charlie Hight explained the reasons for parking districts and legislation. There was discussion about the amount of time that RVs can be parked in the street when owners are preparing for trips or returning from trips.
9. Comments on Stimulus Monies (Murry Witcher)
As of today North Little Rock has been granted $4,679,249 of stimulus funds. Several projects have received funding. Areas mentioned included community development block grants, rehabilitation, ten new police officers for 3 years, rental subsidies, upgrading housing facilities, an electric department grant, transportation infrastructure (mostly being used in Baring Cross area). The website to go to for more information is
10. Unified Coalition of Associated Neighborhoods April 6, 2009 Meeting Report (Judy McDowall)
Judy represented NLAN at the Unified Coalition meeting. The meeting is attended by representatives of the various neighborhood associations in North Little Rock. It provides a venue for communication. Each neighborhood had activities to report on and events to announce. This is an interesting group of really committed people and a worthwhile meeting.
11. Bucket List (Charlie Knott)
Charlie Knott reported the status of open items from the March 16 meeting.
meeting frequency: officers decided to stay with meeting every 3 months
newsletter: will be published between meetings; every 6 weeks approximately
website: want to encourage use; will post meeting agenda, draft minutes of this meeting, newsletter
properties that petitioned to be in the LRID: filing has not been located and may not have been filed; still looking into that; awaiting resolution and decision on action to be taken with respect to these property owners
5 mile creek: contacted Terry Paff; FEMA study may be proceeding faster than expected; Charlie and Terry Paff agreed to communicate regularly on this issue.
Central Baptist Church gate: Charlie met associate pastor who is responsible; good discussion; requirement in PUD; CBC said they would follow requirement.
12. What's On Your Mind (Charlie Knott)?
City wide clean up: was it rained out and is there a rain date? We will look into that. Charlie stated that he will look for future opportunities for our association to get involved in such activities.
Kevin Nichols asked how can we get a left turn signal on Fairway and McCain? Charlie Hight said he would check on this.
Is anyone keeping in touch with what's happening at McCain Mall? Concern about losing good business there. Action. Charlie Knott said he would see if he could find more information. Potholes in parking lot were fixed.
Neighbor on Burrow has quite a few large parties with guests parking on both sides of the street. Is there anything that can be done? Police say they can't enforce no parking without a sign.
There was a suggestion that we get an off-hours contact number for Central Baptist Church. Charlie said he would request a number.
13. Next Meeting: August 3, 2009
The next meeting will be August 3, 2009.
14. Adjourn:
The meeting was adjourned at 9:52pm.
See attachment on next page.
Proposed Change in Bylaws
May 5, 2009
Article V
Change to read as follows.
1. The officers of the Association shall be elected by a majority of the voting members present at the meeting in which elections are held.
2. All officers shall serve a term of two years and shall serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
3. At the next to last regularly scheduled meeting in the year in which officers’ terms are to end, the President will announce an election of officers to be held at the last regularly scheduled meeting on the year. The President may appoint a nominating committee to identify potential officers, if he chooses to do so.
4. At the last regularly scheduled meeting of that year the election of officers will be held. Nominations for office will be announced. Nominations will also be open from the floor. Any nomination from the floor must receive a “second” from the floor to qualify a candidate for election to office. As a practical measure, most votes will be taken by a show of hands or a voice vote. However, at the discretion of the President, a written ballot may be taken on any issue before the membership.
5. Immediately after their election new officers will begin working with outgoing officers to insure a smooth transition of responsibilities. The new officers will assume responsibility for the Association at the beginning of the new calendar year.
6. A vacancy in any office shall be filled by appointment by the remaining officers, and the appointee will hold office for the unexpired term. However, if the President’s office is vacant, the Vice President will fill the remaining term of the President and the Board of Officers will appoint a new Vice President.
7. Only one member of a household may hold office for any given term of office.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
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