Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Officers

On March 16th, the Northeast Lakewood Associated Neighborhoods elected four new officers to take office effective immediately:
President: Charlie Knott - 4504 Purnell Drive - 753-3368
Vice President: Kevin Nichols - 4533 Purnell Drive - 771-4409
Secretary: Judy McDowall - 4501 Austin Drive - 758-1668
Treasurer: Wanda Smith - 5307 Fairway Avenue - 791-0717

Our new NLAN Officers are committed to serving their neighborhood while maintaining the excellent communications that have been established with our North Little Rock Mayor and his key city department heads, the NLR City Council Representatives, the NLR Community Planning Department and Commission and our fellow NLR Neighborhood Associations and Groups. We thank you for your continuing support of NLAN for without your expressed interest via speaking up as well as attending our meetings we would have no cause to exist as a neighborhood association!

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