Friday, October 17, 2008

Fire Fest

This coming Tuesday, October 21st the North Little Rock Fire Department will be sponsoring "Fire Fest," to be held on the parking lot of Krogers, McCain Blvd. location. This is an annual event that promises to be both informational as well as fun for the whole family - children and parents! We understand that it will be available from noon until approx. 8:00 PM. Besides fire engines and trucks on display they will have their "smoke house" and other activities! Stop by and meet some of the men & women that place their lives on the line every day for you and those you love!

HOT TIP: Do you need a smoke alarm for your house? Do you need a battery replaced in your smoke alarm? If so call 340-5377 and tell the NLR Fire Department that under their "Focus Program" you would like to request a free smoke alarm and/or battery replacement. Your NLR Fire Department will personally deliver and install the alarm or battery! That's right - deliver and installed at no cost! While quantities last! Now if you do call be prepared for a fire engine or truck to come and park in front of your house for delivery, for we have been told that our firemen can not leave their vehicles back in the firehouse while they are at your house providing this excellent personal service! Almost sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? But you see - they do care about the citizens of NLR! Please don't abuse this service - but please be safe!

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