Thursday, January 10, 2008

A request has been made for our fellow NLAN Neighbors to come forward with name suggestions for all officer positions for the 2008 term. Before we can truly expect a neighbor to commit his/her involvement in this process we should provide them with an idea of exactly what would be asked of someone if they sought one of the four officer positions. The following is taken from our proposed Association By-Laws (to be approved Jan. 21st) and all current indicators demonstrate that they will indeed stand.

1. The officers of the Association shall be the Board of Officers.
2. The individual officers and the Board of Officers collectively are to provide leadership for the Association. In this capacity they will be responsible for conveying the opinions, wishes and desires of the Association to the community. In all written and verbal communication representing the Association, the officer is required to determine the opinions of the membership and make it very plain that he/she is communicating on behalf of the members of the Association. However, the officers are certainly allowed to express their personal opinions on a subject, but are expected to always make it clear to the reader/listener that they are representing themselves only and not the Association.
3. The authorized officers and their duties are:
1. Preside over all meetings.
2. Oversee all operations of the Association.
3. Act as the primary spokesperson for the Association.
4. Appoint all persons to serve on special committees.
1. Preside over all meetings in the absence of the President.
2. Assist in the duties of the President.
3. Assume the duties of the President when the President is unable to fill the duties of the office for whatever reason.
4. Perform other duties as requested by the President.
1. Record the minutes of all meetings.
2. Prepare all correspondence and maintain the business files for the Association.
1. Maintain membership files.
2. Oversee the collection of funds, financial accounting and distribution of funds.
3. Prepare and maintain a sign-in list of members attending each general membership meeting.
4. Perform other duties as requested by the President.

Let it be known that every attempt will be made to honor and abide by the approved Association By-Laws, however, it must also be recognized that this is a beginning and we will indeed be growing together regarding the above mutual responsibility outline. The key here will be that through everyone's resolve for unity of purpose the Association's Officers can and will meet your expectations for elected representatives of our Association!

We begin the process Thursday evening the 10th at the Etheridge's home - 7:00 p.m. - requests to attend have been extended to all. The Slate of Officers will be presented for vote at the January 21st Association Meeting. Additionally, nominations will also be accepted from the floor that evening. Thank you!

Nate Brandes

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